

icons in image descriptions do not work :/

discord server

![untwirl icon](image://untwirl.gif?classes=icon,untwirl "")
![untwirl icon](image://untwirl.gif?classes=icon,untwirl "")


Guides and resources for editors

After Effects

A course to help intermediate and advanced editors get started with After Effects.

After Effects Extra Credit

Extra guides and tips for heavy After Effects usage.

Vegas Pro

Guides for new editors or anyone who wants to learn the basics of Vegas Pro.

Vegas Pro Extra Credit

Extra guides for Vegas Pro


A collection of editing related guides, links to other tutorials and even a couple After Effects plugins.


Personal posts by amv.tools writers.


Have you found an error or a way to improve the site? Do you want to write for us? Please let us know!


Privacy and data collected by amv.tools


my issues with resolve so far:

  • there's a lot of workspaces but you can only resize and maybe hide parts of them, not make your own or change the position of any panel
  • doesn't support h264 / h265 even if you install ffmpeg or a codec

some of these might be solvable with settings


Logo randomization snippets


grav processesed the code and cached the result lmao so it only updates whenever I update this page

Icon shortcodes

3d iconalias iconframe iconindex iconmoblur iconshy iconspeaker iconstopwatch iconuntwirl iconadjustment iconeye iconfx iconlock iconname iconsolo iconstar icontag icontext iconvtext iconpen iconshape icon